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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wrexham,North Wales - Flintshire man jailed for indecent images claims he was only trying to catch paedophiles

Stuart Roy Kearn, 42, of Mold Road, Cefn-y-bedd, was jailed for 18 months for indecent images of children
Stuart Roy Kearn

Stuart Roy Kearn's claim was dismissed as 'patent nonsense' by a judge at Mold Crown Court

A man who admitted downloading and distributing terrible child porn images told a judge today that he did it to try to catch paedophiles.
But Judge Rhys Rowlands rejected Stuart Roy Kearn’s claim as “patent nonsense” and said it was an explanation he had heard several times.
It was a claim that was “doing the rounds” at the moment, he said, adding that the defendant had probably picked it up on the internet.
Kearn, 42, of Mold Road, Cefn-y-bedd, admitted 13 offences of making images by downloading them from the internet, possessing them and distribution.
He had more than 2,700 images and 430 films, and possessed extreme images involving sex between humans and animals.
He was jailed for 18 months, ordered to register with the police as a sex offender for 10 years, and given a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.
The judge said at the sentencing hearing at Mold Crown Court that he was not prepared to sentence Kearn on the basis that he got no sexual gratification from it and the defendant was called to give evidence.
At today’s sentencing hearing, Kearn told Mold Crown Court that he had suicidal thoughts at the time and feared there were paedophiles in his area.
When asked what he would have done if he found one, he said: “Beat him to a pulp, I don’t know.”
He said that, in his depressed and suicidal state, he thought of “taking one with me”, but agreed that he had not called police to inform them of what he was doing.
He said that, looking back now, it made no sense, and the judge agreed that it did not.
Judge Rowlands said it was about the fourth time he had heard that version of events in the last month.
“It is clearly doing the rounds,” he said.
The judge said the defendant was no doubt sorry for the position he had put himself in and the consequences for him were serious.
But they paled into insignificance against the suffering and corruption inflicted on the young children who had been photographed and filmed.
“This was quite depraved behaviour on your part,” the judge told him.
He said that the defendant appeared to be in complete denial.
It had gone on for some three years and the case was aggravated by the young age of the children and the appalling nature of some of the images.
Prosecuting barrister Ffion Tomos said the children in the images and films were aged from two upwards.
The defendant was arrested when a warrant under the Protection of Children Act was executed at his home in March of last year.
The images were found on a laptop, two USB drives and nine CDs.
There was also peer-to-peer file-sharing software and email addresses had been set up to share and distribute images.
Interviewed, he claimed he was doing it to trap paedophiles online.
Defending barrister Philip Clemo said it was an extremely sad case of a man who suffered social isolation and trauma after the breakdown of his marriage.
He knew that custody was inevitable, particularly after his explanation had been rejected by the court.
The defendant was a man who had no relevant previous convictions and would find custody extremely hard.
“It will be devastating for him,” he said.
Following the sentencing, Detective Chief Inspector Neil Harrison at Wrexham police station said: “I welcome the sentence and hope this will reinforce our commitment to eradicate all offences of this type.
“Each and every time an image is taken, uploaded or viewed, a child is abused, and those who commit such vile acts must learn there are victims behind each and every image.
“If you have concerns about anyone who may be in possession of indecent images of children, contact North Wales Police on 101 or alternatively Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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