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Monday, June 13, 2016

Cardiff,South Wales - Heavy police presence and shocked neighbours as detectives investigate alleged stabbing

There is a heavy police presence in a Cardiff suburb the morning as detectives investigate an alleged stabbing .

Officers were using a chainsaw and police dogs to search a wooded area after a man died

Officers were using a chainsaw and police dogs to search a wooded area.
A spokesman for South Wales Police said they were called to the Pentwyn area of Cardiff at around 7pm on Sunday.
Richard Williams
Richard Williams
Neighbours in the area told of their shock. A woman, who did not wish to be named, said: "I heard a lot of shouting about what had happened.
"Nothing like this has happened down here before, you have kids playing down there but they have been brilliant and we have good neighbours.
"Oh god it's been a shock. To hear about someone dying younger than my son is so sad. It was nice living here, I think everybody is shocked. It's all over Facebook.
"Police have been here all night and I was glad because I heard they hadn't caught anybody. It made me feel a bit safe."
Richard Williams
Richard Williams
A man, who did not wish to be named, said: "We heard the helicopters and then we looked out the back and we saw a pile of people. We heard that someone had been killed, stabbed.
"It's shocking especially when you have little kids. There's always kids playing up the back so it's not good at all."
Another man who did not wish to be named, said: "I was out painting my fence yesterday when I heard a lot of shouting. I wasn't too bothered because I thought it was just a normal day and then all the police turned up and then I realised it was not another normal day."
Another neighbour said: "It was a bit of a shock, it's something you hear about every day. We heard a bit of shouting but we didn't see anything."

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