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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Swansea,South Wales - Extra police patrols on Swansea seafront to tackle drunken and anti-social behaviour

Police are stepping up patrols on Swansea beach following concerns about anti-social behaviour in he area
POLICE are stepping up patrols along Swansea beach to crack-down on rowdy drunken and anti-social behaviour in the area.
Officers and PCSOs are hitting the prom following complaints from residents and visitors about the behaviour of some people during the recent fine spell of weather.

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Police say they hope to tackle the issue now to prevent it from escalating during the summer months.
South Wales Police sergeant Mark Watkins said: "We are not looking to stop people from having fun and enjoying the facilities that Swansea has to offer, but we have to recognise the concerns of residents and visitors who have told us about excessive drinking on the beach, large gatherings and rowdy behaviour which can be intimidating.

Police chatting to beach-goers in Swansea
"We have increased patrols in this area and officers will be taking positive action and using the various powers available to us to tackle anti-social behaviour."
Swansea Council has also received complaints from people about large amounts of rubbish being left on the beach. Litter wardens patrol the area and will issue fixed penalties to anyone who is caught leaving litter behind.
Sergeant Watkins added: "Swansea beach is a great place to enjoy the summer sunshine and we will not allow the actions of a minority of individuals spoil the area for residents and visitors."

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