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Monday, March 20, 2017

Newport,South Wales - The town with the highest shoplifting rate in all of Wales

There were 1,672 incidents in one 12-month period

Newport has the highest rate of shoplifting in Wales with a rate that is almost twice the UK average – and drugs have been blamed.
The latest Home Office figures show there were 1,672 incidents recorded by police in the 12 months up to and including September 2016.
That’s up from 1,359 recorded in Newport over the same period the year before.
It translates to one case for every 88 residents – twice the Wales average of one report for every 176 people and almost double the UK average of one in 167.
Newport’s rate is the 11th-worst in England and Wales with Westminster worst with one case for every 59 people.
Newport city centre.
Pictured is the High Street.
This is Newport city centre 

There's a link with drugs

Martin Blakebrough, who runs drugs charity Kaleidoscope, said: “There is definitely a correlation between drug use and crime – that is the reason why the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office and others put money into drugs services.
“It is right to say there is a link between drugs and crime but the problem is weaning people off crime as well as weaning people off drugs.”
He said there was not enough “re-education about not committing crime”.
“People who once used to steal trainers to get drugs instead just steal them to wear,” Mr Blakebrough said.
“It can take quite a while to change that behaviour. If you’re not used to spending money on things you carry on not spending money on things.”
The indoor market in Newport

Do the stats tell a true story?

Shopkeeper Dean Beddis, who runs Kriminal Records in Newport Market, said he believed the true rate to be even higher.
“There are people who may be homeless or take certain drugs or whatever, whether it is heroin or crack – they may steal because they need to feed their habits.
“But there are also people who are homeless who get looked at like they are thieves even though they may not be.
“And there are people who just like stealing because they get a buzz off it.
“As a kid I did it and I regret it. As a shopkeeper I’ve had people steal from me so maybe that is karma.
“I’ve got a sign up now saying ‘Please don’t steal from me’. I think it works because people can see that they are not stealing from a big multinational but taking money from my family’s pockets.”
People have tried to sell him goods he suspected were stolen.
“I’ve had people come in and offer me boxes of cheese and I’ve been offered packets of ham and razor blades,” he said.
“When people bring in records I scrutinise them because I cannot stand the thought of people robbing houses, although that is something different.”
He said he wasn’t targeted by thieves often because he’s just a few feet from customers in his store.
“I don’t suffer from it much though I once had a girl nick 10 heavy metal CDs from me,” he said.
“I’ve not seen her since.”

Police say they've a 'robust' approach to shoplifters

Gwent Police’s Newport and Monmouthshire Superintendent Matthew Williams said shoplifting was recorded as a crime if “individual stores contact us to report it”.
“It doesn’t get recorded if individual stores decide against reporting the incident which is why figures sometimes vary.
“We have a robust approach to dealing with shoplifting offences and have a good working relationship with our business communities who are confident that we will deal with individuals appropriately.
“We also work closely with stores who are repeatedly targeted to ensure that appropriate crime prevention advice is provided as well as carrying out covert operations to detect offences.”
Cardiff is also on the list 

Which other towns are on the list?

After Newport the worst place in Wales is Cardiff , followed by Wrexham , Torfaen , Merthyr Tydfil and Swansea .
Powys has the lowest rate at one shoplifting case for every 484 people.
Powys Superintendent Jon Cummins said: “It is pleasing to see we have the lowest number of offences in Wales, which is owing to the excellent relationships we have with our partners to prevent these offences through multi-agency approaches such as the Behave or be Banned scheme and early intervention with repeat and prolific offenders.
“It is good news for residents of Powys that we are helping to make our town centres even safer.”

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