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Monday, March 20, 2017

Cardiff,South Wales - A man kept terrorist attack plans on a USB drive hidden in his cuff-link

Samata Ullah, 34, admitted membership of IS in September last year

A hi-tech terrorist from Cardiff hid his Islamic State activities in a James Bond-style cuff link.
Samata Ullah, 34, from Cardiff , admitted membership of IS in September last year, being involved in terrorist training, and preparation of terrorist acts.
At the time of his arrest, he had a USB cufflink with a Linux operating system loaded onto it to conceal a hoard of extremist data, including a blog.
At an Old Bailey hearing, Ullah pleaded guilty to five terror offences including possession of an article for terrorist purposes on or before September 22 last year.
From December 2015, he had provided instructional videos on how to secure sensitive data and remain anonymous online with the use of the Tor programme, and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption.
Police arrested Samata Ullah during a raid on his Cardiff address in September
Ullah admitted researching ZeroNet and developing a version of a blog site using the decentralised internet-like peer-to-peer network.
He also pleaded guilty to having a book entitled Guided Missiles Fundamentals AFM 52-31 and an electronic PDF version of the book Advances In Missile Guidance, Control, And Estimation for terrorist purposes.
However, he denied a charge of directing terrorism between December 2015 and September last year contrary to section 56 of the Terrorism Act 2000.
Prosecutor Brian Altman QC said the Crown had accepted the pleas after referring to the Attorney General.
He asked for the remaining charge to lie on file.
The court heard Ullah had since been diagnosed with autism.
Police arrested Samata Ullah during a raid on his Cardiff address in September
Mr Altman said a hi-tech report dealt with the defendant’s desire to copy his blog onto a platform in a “format that meant it could not be closed down or deleted by the authorities”.
Judge Gerald Gordon lifted reporting restrictions in the case.
He said the “issue of dangerousness” would have to be looked at before sentencing.
Ullah admitted the charges earlier this month but his pleas could not be reported until after the prosecution had time to consider whether to go ahead with a trial on the remaining charge.
He did not attend court to hear of the Attorney General’s decision.
His barrister Ben Emmerson QC said Ullah had admitted membership of IS on the basis that was what he had professed.
Sentencing was adjourned to April 28 at the Old Bailey.

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