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Friday, February 12, 2016

Queensferry,North Wales - Conman posed as council worker to steal from elderly woman

John McDonagh was jailed for four years for conning his way into an elderly woman's home
John McDonagh was jailed for four years for conning his way into an elderly woman's home

Cruel John McDonagh drove a van and wore a uniform in order to fool his unsuspecting elderly victim

A “despicable” conman who posed as a council official in order to worm his way into an elderly woman’s home and steal from them has been jailed.
Heroin addict John McDonagh was given four years for his crimes, which included driving round in a van and wearing a uniform in order to dupe his victims into thinking he was genuine.
His victim, an 89-year-old described as “extremely vulnerable”, let him in after he knocked on her door claiming to be there to clear her gutters.
He asked her to open the back gate so that he could get his ladders in but he was able to take her purse from a coffee table in the living room. It contained £250 and bank cards.
McDonagh, 41, from the Riverside caravan park in Queensferry , had left the elderly woman - who had lived independently for many years since the death of her husband of 54 years - wary of trusting people.
She often couldn’t sleep at night because of his “exceptionally mean” actions, and now felt uneasy in the home she had lived in for 48 years.
Mold Crown Court heard McDonagh had committed his offence while on early release from a previous sentence, and had committed the same type of offence twice before.
Andrew Green, defending, said that they were clearly mean offences but there was no threat of violence from McDonagh.
He had changed his plea to guilty knowing that the only option was custody, and had intended to try to get himself clean and stop offending.
Judge Gerant Walters jailed McDonagh for four years.

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