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Friday, February 12, 2016

Cardiff,North Wales - Hoodie-wearing burglars are caught on CCTV breaking into a Cardiff shop

CCTV shows the pair wandering around the shop, focusing on the cash drawer which was empty and then leaving empty-handed

The incident happened at around 1am at She Makes Street Cakes & Supplies, a homemade cake shop on Lower Cathedral Road.
Owner Nicola Holt, 31, from Newbridge in Pontypool , posted the CCTV footage onFacebook in a bid to identify the burglars, who left empty-handed. It has already been viewed nearly 3,500 times.

'My heart was in my throat watching it'

It shows the two, who are wearing hooded white jumpers to cover their faces and dark trousers, wandering around the shop and using their sleeves to cover their hands.
The pair look around the shop, which only opened last October, focusing on the cash drawer, which was empty, and they both leave empty handed.
Nicola said: “I went to open the shop at around 9am on Thursday morning and noticed the cash register was smashed all over the floor. At first I looked at it and thought it had fallen off the desk.
The two hoodie-wearing burglars left the scene empty-handed

“After getting inside I noticed the window had been put through at the other end of the shop so I knew somebody had broken in and I rang the police.
“There’s four cameras in the shop so I decided to take a look at the CCTV. Around 1am it showed two men coming into my shop and my heart was in my throat watching it.
“The thought of someone being in your shop when you’re not there to protect it is just heart wrenching. It was really creepy to watch - especially because it seemed like they knew the cameras were there and just didn’t care.

'Left me heartbroken'

“They looked all around the shop and smashed the till open (even though there were keys inside it) but I never keep money in there. It was odd because there was a television and a computer there and they just left that. They obviously just wanted some quick cash.
“Even though they didn’t get anything it’s left me heartbroken. I worked so hard to get my business up and running and to have this happen is just stressful and not very nice.
“The police came and took some forensic evidence this morning so hopefully they will be able to catch them.”
South Wales Police have been asked to comment.

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