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Friday, February 12, 2016

Cardiff,South Wales -Children's magician wooed single mums to act out paedophile fantasies on their sons

Children's magician - Mark Davis.
A CHILDREN'S magician is facing jail for sex attacks on schoolboys after promising them trips to the EastEnders set.
Mark Davis, 55, targeted boys by wooing their single mothers - and showing off with celebrity autographs and magic tricks.
Davies struck while working as both a magician and a stage manager at a youth theatre in Cardiff to gain the trust of lone mums.
A court heard he became a "father figure" to young boys who had an interest in acting and promised them trips to London to the BBC set.

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But Cardiff Crown Court was told he wormed his way into their lives to act out his paedophile fantasies.
The brother of one of the victims said: "He said he would take me to the studios of EastEnders. My brother found out and went mad."
Janet McDonald, prosecuting, described Davis as a "skilled groomer" and a "sexual predator" who used his image as a respectable entertainer to get close to young boys from fatherless homes.
Ms McDonald said: "He was interesting, nice to the boys and their mothers. He showed them tricks and autographs he had of famous people.
"It was subtle and gentle persuasion and grooming."
The allegations were brought to light after three men, now in their 30s, claimed Davis targeted them when they were children in the 1980s and 1990s.
Davis was found guilty of three counts of rape, nine of indecent assault and one of taking an indecent photograph of a child following a week-long trial.
Judge Jonathan Furness QC remanded Davis, of Corby, Northamptonshire, in custody until he is sentenced on March 4.

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