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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mold,North Wales - Man released from prison for Christmas returns to jail on Boxing Day

Published date: 28 December 2015 | 
Published by: Staff reporter
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A MAN released from prison for Christmas was sent back to jail on Boxing Day.
Joshua Warren Williams had spent Christmas Day in a police cell on remand.
A special Boxing Day sitting of Flintshire magistrates’ court at Mold was told Williams, 24, of Hawthorn Avenue in Mold, had been released from a prison sentence on December 23.
He returned to Mold but breached his ASBO not to enter Mold town centre.
Police were alerted after he entered a shop to buy a Christmas present for his mother.
He was arrested on Christmas Eve and was remanded in custody over Christmas Day.
In court Williams admitted a breach of his ASBO and he was jailed for 14 days.
Magistrates were told Williams was being recalled to prison for a breach of his release licence.
Susan Duncombe, prosecuting, said police viewed the CCTV at Superdrug and identified the defendant.
He was arrested at Maes Bodlonfa on Christmas Eve.
Interviewed, he said he was aware of the ASBO not to enter Mold town centre but it slipped his mind when he went to buy his mother a Christmas present.
Gary Harvey, defending, said on his release Williams returned to Mold because his roots were in the town.
He had been recalled on licence and appreciated the court would have no option but to impose a prison sentence.


  1. I know this person and its a very sad case indeed.. He needs a lot more help than he gets. From all areas of our so called benefit system that we pay our taxes for... He is bad. But the system does leave him with no Money for weeks on end and or no roof over his head.. Its too much for the young lad...

  2. Thank you for your comment, But he has to take responsibility for his actions, and he did breach his order, he could have rung his parole officer for advice prior to buying anything, or asked someone to buy it for him.
