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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mold,North Wales - Biker rode at PSCO and trapped him against bollard

Mold Crown Court
Flintshire magistrates court

Carl Andrew Matishok, 19, admitted assaulting and resisting the PCSO, and driving without due care and attention

A teenager motorcyclist rode at a police community support officer and trapped his leg between the machine and a bollard.
A member of the public went to the aid of the officer, who wanted to speak to the rider about the manner of his earlier driving at Buckley .
Carl Andrew Matishok, 19, was able to get away, Flintshire magistrates’ court at Mold was told today.
Matishok, of Gosmore Road in New Brighton near Mold , admitted assaulting and resisting the PCSO, and driving without due care and attention in Mill Lane and Precinct Way in Buckley, on December 11.
District Judge Chris Johnson placed Matishok on a 12 month community order with 20 days rehabilitation.
He was ordered to pay £200 compensation to the officer, together with £85 prosecution costs and a £20 surcharge.
Matishok was fined £175 for the careless driving charge.
The court heard that the defendant had mental health problems, had been taking cannabis, but he denied that he had deliberately ridden at the officer.
He had acted in panic in a bid to get away, he said.
Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told how the defendant and the PCSO Chey Arrowsmith knew each other from school.
The officer was in a marked police car when he saw the defendant approach a queue of traffic at red lights, mount the kerb and ride along the kerb to get to the front of the queue.
She said that the officer saw the defendant parked up outside the Spar shop and stopped to speak to him about his driving and to issue him with a notice.
But the defendant accelerated his vehicle and rode at him, trapping his leg between the motorcycle and a bollard.
A member of the public told the defendant not to be so stupid and went to the aid of the officer.
But the defendant broke free and was able to get away.
The officer said that the motorcyclist had deliberately ridden at him.
But Elspeth Kenney said that it had not been deliberate.
He had acted in panic in a bid to get away which showed that he did not think of the consequences of his actions.
The defendant fully accepted the prosecution case against him and was genuinely remorseful about the injuries he had caused to the officer’s leg.
He came from a respectable family, he had worked in his father’s landscape business but since the age of 11 had suffered from poor mental health.
The motorcycle was perfectly legal at the time, she said.

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